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Factory Quarter residents parking rights threatened by Ealing Council Planning application - object

Cobbold Mews is a larger version of a scheme rejected by Ealing Council (PP/2009/1912) back in 2009.The current proposal by Lemon Land threatens the rights of 100 Factory Quarter residents to park on the land next to Thames Water’s Storm Tanks The parking rights were granted under a “s106” legal agreement with LBHFIf you want to protect your FQ rights to park, object asap to this planning application - urgently.Here’s the weblink to go to to make comments and object overall construction is estimated to last 2+ years and there are no proposals in the planning application to help people who lose their parking space.The local road network is one way dominated by  wet narrow one way roads passing a nursery school and used by local industry - it’s not safe!If you need more detail about the s106 agreement, read on....* The Factory Quarter development was known as the site of Prestolite Electric Ltd Larden Road W3 7RP Application 2006/02023/FUL * The s106 agreement online states under the heading "Allocation of Car Parking Spaces" at clause 12.1 (p13 of Agreement) "The Owner shall provide no less than 269 car parking spaces and no more than 280 car parking spaces within the Development that being no less than 166 car parking spaces and no more than 177 within the Site and 103 car parking spaces within the Off Site Car Park."clause 12.2 "The Owner shall ensure that all of the 103 car parking spaces in the Off Site Car Park are available for use by occupiers of the Development and the Owner shall not permit their use by any person who is not a occupier of or a bona fide visitor to the Developmentclause 12.3 "The Owner covenants that it shall not use nor occupy nor permit the use or occupation of all or part of the Development until it has laid out and made available the 103 spaces within the Off Site Car Park and the Council has given its written approval of the lay out... "[unfortunately p14 of the Agreement is the only missing page in the agreement online. It has been requested by an FOI but to date not provided]* The exact placement of the car parking spaces, required by condition 12 was set out in the s106 Agreement with the plan for the car parking is set out here in 'allocation of standard car parking spaces' being approved by LBHF at the following link:* The developer Lemon Land now wishes to put these underground - in a basement car park to be constructed as the full width of the car park, notwithstanding that the site is boundaries to the north by the Thames Water sewerage tanks (to which Thames Water has objected) and Greenend Road/Worcester Drive/ Hawkshead Road houses to the south. * This is (a) not permitted under the current agreement and (b) should not be permitted should there be any attempt by the developer to vary the conditions. * A basement car park - if ever constructed would be unacceptable for the Prestolite / FQ residents as (i) this is a material change to the car parking provision they agreed - it is inferior and less convenient particularly for those with mobility issues/ young children/ anxiety, who would be required to descend into the car park by car and then walk to a single centre mid point to access stairs / a lift and then walk back a significant distance - past apartment blocks to exit the car parking site - so a longer walk than currently. Plus the added insecurity of having a lift which may break down necessitating a walk up stairs plus the lack of visibility in a basement car park which may lead to security fears, particularly if the development site has open pedestrian access. * The proposal also involves FQ residents with car parking spaces negotiating a one way basement car park and and using a single turning head at the far end of the site, whereas the existing provision permits to turn wherever they consider appropriate, without negotiating a housing development and its proposed residents (numbering more than 100 living on site). (ii) the construction of a basement car park / basic elements of the development would be (conservatively) two years during which time the existing spaces would be out of action.* There is a traffic assessment for the proposed Ealing car park development (named 'Cobbold Mews') which seemingly took place on a single day during a half term. It does not accord with residents' / neighbours experience of the car park and our own daily vehicle count shows a minimum of 80 cars on site on a daily basis

Don Tanswell ● 1547d0 Comments