Hammersmith Local Named as One of Top 100 Women in Cycling

Kate Osborne has encouraged others to get on their bikes

Kate Osborne

November 29, 2023

A woman from Hammersmith has been named in a list of the UK’s 100 most inspirational women in cycling for 2023.

For the last seven years charity Cycling UK had drawn up a list of those who have encouraged other women to get on a bike.

The aim is to redress the imbalance between the number of men and women who regularly cycle. Each year, the UK’s cycling charity recognises women from all corners of the cycling world.

Kate, who is a marketing manager at navigation device manufacturer Beeline, has been recognised for her work in this area.

She has helped develop company’s strategy to build a community around the company’s navigation products, encouraging as many people as possible to ride by providing route options for all levels of confidence and ability. She has also inspired many people to ride through a fundraising trip across the USA.

Kate said, “I love cycle touring as a way to connect with people and places and, last year, rode solo across the continental US. I have shared my experience in the hopes of encouraging others - especially women - to go for it too!”

Despite the 2021 census showing there are more women than men in the UK, men are much more likely to cycle regularly than women. Cycling UK wants to show through the compilation of this list that cycling can be for everyone.

Sarah Mitchell, Cycling UK’s chief executive, said, “Cycling is a fantastic way to get around sustainably, keep fit and have fun outdoors and we want everyone to benefit from the joy of cycling. But in the UK, substantially fewer women ride than men. It’s our mission to reverse that and see equal levels of cycling across all genders.

“A great way to encourage more women to cycle is to share the stories of these amazing women – whether they’re chronicling their adventures on social media, advocating for better infrastructure in their neighbourhoods, inspiring their communities to join them for a ride or winning medals around the world.

“Choosing the top one hundred winners involves some really tough choices – there are so many brilliant women out there who we’d want to celebrate.”

Gongs are awarded for a wide range of achievements that have helped inspire more women from diverse backgrounds to get on a bike. They are given in four categories: community champion, industry mogul, cycle influencer and sporting hero.

To see the full list, visit Cycling UK’s website.

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